
Thursday 12 September 2013

Expalin Following Command With Example (PC T1 Q4)

2. CD
3. DEL

1 COPY  :-  this command used for coping files or data to one location to another location.

            Example copy C:\system32\>azaz.txt D:\king\
  •    In the example C: is root directory
  •   System32 is a sub directory of the root directory.
  •   Azaz.txt we was copy and paste into king name folder and king name folder is in D: drive

2 CD :-  this command used for to change or jump to one directory to another directory.

            Example  :-  C:\>CD D:\
  •   In this example C: is root directory.
  •  We change the directory and jump to D:\ directory.

3 DEL :- this command used for to delete the files or data.

Point to be remember :-
  •  You cannot delete current directory.
  • You can only delete empty directory.

            Example :-  DEL  C:\system32\>azaz.txt
  • In the example C: is root directory
  •  System32 is a sub directory of the root directory.

·        Azaz.txt the file is we deleted with DEL command.
4. ATTRIB :- this command used for attributes files.
Their are 2 types of attrib files :-
  1.   Hidden
  2.   Read only

            Example :-  ATTRIB +h C:\system32\azaz.txt
  •  +h used for hidden file like azaz.txt
  • This command hidden your file
  • If you want to show your file use following command :-

             ATTRIB -h C:\system32\azaz.txt
  •  -h is used for show your hidden file.

5 . xcopy :- this command same as copy command only the different is , copy command ask for confirmation for copy file or data , in this situation xcopy command will not ask for any confirmation it will overwrite data or files, or re[lace files.

            Example :-  XCOPY C:\files E:\files /i

In the above example, the files contained in the source directory of C:\Files are copied todestination, a new directory [/i] on the E drive called Files.

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