
Monday, 28 October 2013

What is Flesh Drive Explain In Detail

1. Alternatively referred to as a USB flash drive,data stickpen drivekeychain drive andthumb drive, a jump drive is a portable drivethat is often the size of your thumb that connects to the computer USB port. Today, flash drives are available in sizes such as 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 5GB, and 16GB and are an easy way to transfer and store information.
In the picture to the right, is an example of the SanDisk Cruzer Micro 16GB flash drive and a good example of what many flash drives look like. As can be seen in this picture, the drive has a small casing that stores the flash memory connected to a USB connection that is plugged into the USB port on your computer.
Unlike a hard drive the flash drive only contains an integrated circuit memory board capable of storing information and has no movable parts.

16GB SanDisk Cruzer Micro USB Flash Drive
How do I use a flash drive?
A flash drive can be used like any drive on your computer. Start by inserting the flash drive into a front or back USB port or to a USB hub. Once connected open My Computer and you should see the drive as "Removeable Disk", "Flash drive", or as the manufacturer's name. Once the drive has been determined you can copy any file you want and paste them into the flash drive ordrag-and-drop the files to the flash drive icon.

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