
Sunday 22 September 2013

Explain Sorting Facility In Excel (PC T1 Q31)

When you enter data into your worksheet it is often unorganized making it difficult to examine. When analyzing the information in your spreadsheet, you may need to rearrange the data in different ways to answer different questions. Excel's sorting feature can help your rearrange your data so you can use it more efficiently.

Note: If your spreadsheet contains formulas, be careful when using the sort feature. Formulas rely on cell references to perform their calculations and moving the data with the sort feature may destroy these references.

To sort a list of data:

  • Select a single cell in the column containing the data you want to sort.
  • Select the Home tab.
  • Under the Editing group, press the Sort and Filtering button and select the order you want your data to be sorted.

Note: If you select an entire column, Excel will sort only that column and will mismatch the data contained in the other columns.

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